Friday, 6 November 2009

Oops, I did it again...

Did what again? Not post for wayyy to long? Yes, that is true but it wasn't what I was thinking of.

Or maybe I mean this?

Nope, not that either...

Oops, i did THIS again... well, who could resist
just needs a lick of paint and a bit of new fabric! The lid is on hinges so I can hide secret things inside it...shhhh dont tell anyone ;)


  1. It will look fab after a lick of paint, and yes some nice fabric too. What colour I wonder? suzie x

  2. Oh, yuummy. I have seen some fantastic stools covered with granny squares recently...

  3. So sweet, lucky you! Keep posting honey xo

  4. Can’t wait to see it after it’s had your touch!

    Victoria xx


Thank you for all your comments! I get ridiculously pleased whenever I get one! xxx